the gallery

By nikolas

a lovely car...

on tuesday i was very lucky to have my favourite brother (narabug's husband :D ) visit me as he was working close to where we live which is always awesome! He's my best mate as well as my best brother and we always have such a laugh. Dan's one of few people in this life who understands and gets me and we share so many interests it's unreal. We played about with the cameras, caught up, reminisced, and he stayed for dinner. Dan lives a long way away sadly so I can't always see him, narabug and my lovely little nephew, ewan (it feels wierd referring to my sister in law as that!) as much as I'd like to (every day, lol) so the times i see them are really special and always lovely.

so anyway, this is dan's lovely car - it's a skoda superb. top of the range and it's a year old, i actually found it for him, he wanted this exact car, and i was looking online for one for him, and one popped up about 13 miles from me, so my dad and i went to have a look at it for him, it was brand new with 200 miles on the clock, and the next day he came up and bought it, and that was how he came to get his car, and how i came to get my lovely car (my octavia!)

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