Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

The Blue Streak

What a great day of photo shooting I had today. I started early this morning. The SUNRISE was spectacular. I caught the tail end of it, but I still thought it was beautiful.

After I got to work, I looked outside my window and the VIEW in the lake was gorgeous. The autumn colors were so brilliant, they called to me. I quickly ran out to take a shot, but I was soon discovered when I heard a voice from a co-worker say "Are you making those trees pose for you." I about jumped out of my skin, which really made him laugh. Anyway, it was worth it just to look at it.

Then, I had some things happen at work that let me go home a little early, so I went to Sunset beach to catch the sunset. It wasn't really that great, but I caught the light in this little stream of water, and I thought it looked kind of cool.

So, I feel very satisfied that I was able to get some fairly good shots today. I haven't done much blipping for quite some time and it felt really good.

So, at the end of a great blipping day, I say goodnight.

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