Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Never wake a sleeping baby...

That's what they say isn't it?? Who are THEY????

I can't remember the last time I woke up with the same person I went to bed with!! Elliot doesn't sleep much at night, instead he chooses to run about, play, scream, shout, pull all the toilet roll off the holder. so we play musical beds at night. Sometimes he'll sleep in our bed, I'll sleep in his, Colin will sleep downstairs.... His favourite game is coming into our room when we're asleep, probably about 3 in the morning, getting my glass of water off my bedside cabinet and tipping it over my head. Not the best way to be woken up.

So now, seeing him sleep, I tempted to give him a taste of his own medicine. Where's my glass of water... ;)

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