Clare Fowler

By AnsdellClare


I scratched my baby yesterday...that's the shiny metal one, not the furry one (Heidi) or the human one (Chris)!
I was trying to reverse to the back of the drive in order to leave enough room for Chris to put his car in front of mine and therefore get it off the road for the night, but I wanted to leave room to get the new wheelie bin past in the morning, and sadly I got rather too close to the concrete fencepost! Having reversed into it, I then had to go forward to remove myself from the post, thus making the scratches twice as bad!!!! I have calmed down a bit now, but I am still very cross with myself for being so silly!

Having a mechanic in the family may have its benefits...I'm going to get him to get a mate to make it better! :)

Yes, I know its a blurry shot, but I wasn't very calm about it!

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