Necessity invented stools,
Convenience next suggested elbow-chairs,
And luxury the accomplish'd Sofa last.
- William Cowper, Task (bk. I, l. 86)
Adaptive access for the old guy with a sore leg. Kitchen counters and cats, a well known kitchen crime, but a habit hard to break. He's nearly 16, we adopted him from a shelter when he was 3 and he's been gazing out the kitchen windows every morning since that day. How can I deny him? The old stool collection came in handy once again, can you tell that I love them, old paint and all? My idea worked perfectly.
You can see the loft ledge, the scene of the fall above him. It's all secured with baby gates(left over from the last cat feud), and our tall window screens on their sides. No more accidents till we can hopefully reintroduce them peacefully. She stared up at him last night and must have telegraphed a big whammy message. When it was his turn to come down, he didn't seem to believe that we had her under lock and key upstairs. He finally relaxed and settled in purring and relaxing. She's such a bipolar cat, the most loving to us, the most hateful to him.
Here are two blooms on an old orchid that has never re-bloomed for me ! A really nice way to brighten a very dark and stormy day.
For the Record.
This day came in dark and stormy with lashing rain and wind. I'm going to the movies to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with a lifelong friend. We loved the dark gritty books. Some scenes will be tough I know.
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