
By scharwenka


Well, sort of ...

I took this photograph while standing just by the grave of C.S Lewis. One of my colleagues suggested that perhaps we should try to find a wardrobe in the churchyard.

The church is Holy Trinity Church, in a place called Headington Quarry. This part of Headington is like a small village, and is very pleasant. Although the church looks as though it could be medieval, it is in reality Victorian, designed by the famous George Gilbert Scott at the behest of Bishop Wilberforce.

If Narnia is anywhere to be found around here, it's inside the church, because there's a stained-glass window commemorating the imaginary realm. A photograph of the window (and a much better photograph of the gravestone than mine) can be found along with the helpful explanation provided at this excellent web site.

The occasion for our visit to this church was a sad one, because it was a memorial service for the wife of a former Head of Department of our workplace. But it was a good celebration of her life, and the sun shone on us. Outside the church you can see some of the many people who wished to remember her.

(By the way, it was this HoD's successor, also long retired, who suggested we look for the wardrobe!)

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