Big mini, little mini
Awww, don't they look cute?!!
I had a bit of a migraine at work today. I used to think that migraines were just figments of peoples exaggerated imaginations, they are real. Fortunately, I don't have them too bad or too often...I just get the headache and the flashes in the eyes....not good to see flashes when I was about to jab a needle into patient's arms! There was a patient today who had a glass eye. My colleague, who has a thing about not liking glass eyes, found it tough going to deal with so I offered her support by going to the patient with her, plus I wanted a good look at his eye. It was very realistic and a nice colour...a lovely hazel colour. Then my colleague said to the patient that his feet looked sore..well, when I looked at his feet, they were hugely swollen, they looked like they were about to explode and he had a huge water blister which was like a big bubble on one toe. I was wondering why my colleague was freaked out by eyes when there are such feet around. Poor man must have been in agony. So the moral of todays tale, everyone, is to look after your feet!!
Spotted these two cars on the local retail park...hurrah, blip for today!
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