

The beginning and the end.

The '' unlucky '' events started at the beginning of evening and ended at the end of evening. Lucky for me, it did not last a day. I would have went home to avoid all the misfortune happenings.
I believe some unlucky events are ''man-made'' and some are of course ''natural''

People like you probably won't appreciate presence of people of ''boring'' status. Because who knows?

Journey back to home took unusually long as I decided to take a new route home. It took me an average of one hour and fifteen minutes to reach home. But today it took me an extra thirty to forty five minutes. Bet the extra time was taken to wait for the bus to come. 61-171-963-962
Sometimes taking me two hours. I gave up boarding packed bus as I wanted to have a seat on the bus. So I kept waiting.

I'm ageing even though I'm still young.
Had a cup of coffee after dinner and I feel sleepy now.
Or coffee has no effect on me?

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