Let There Be Light

By solli

Tutor The Lucky

White Tailed Deer - Odocoileus Virginianus

My friend from elementary school (class of '68) recently alerted me to some covert activity in Lenape Park, a woodsy area I'm fond of visiting.

Men in black, who drive all-terrain vehicles and carry large ladders out of the brush will always tilt my mind toward the dark side, but not wanting to appear paranoid I proposed the notion that the county officials might be conducting a deer census. It proved out that a deer hunt would be held every Monday for about a month and my friend cautioned me to be careful. "Warn the deer!" he said.

For the past week or three, I've been wondering what I might blip for my first 100th. It has been anxiety provoking to say the least since I'm no CS wizard. Today I finally gave up all thoughts of bubbles and numbers and decided instead to go with the natural flow. So what if it happens to be Friday the 13th!

I meandered through my morning and as the universe would have it, I came face to face with this proud six point buck. He saw me, stood stock-still then stamped his hoof in warning. Quite near to him was a young white tailed yearling whose rack was growing rather lopsidedly. I wasn't about to chance moving, so I apologize for that blur of a branch across Tutor's eye.

Did someone mention deer hunt? As I peered through my lens trying hard not to breathe, I caught a glimmering of silver on one of the antlers.

Tutor, you've been tagged! Now please, spread the word about Lenape Park!

View large to see his tag!

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