'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

Lack of inspiration

Mainly down to my mood from last night. I feel a weight has been lifted though, I just wish I had listened to someone I have known since I was about seven, she had an inkling from the start! Shame I only cottoned on about eleven years too late.

Positives though: I have one less person in my life to be stressing over. I'm off on a mission on Sunday to buy more Sea Monkey stuff as we lost our food and it's actually cheaper to buy a whole new aquarium than to order food and get it shipped over. I have all day tomorrow to play with my 500D and attempt to catch sight of the blue tits if I can, or at least get my usual gold finches!

Also, my saliva sample kit thing arrived from Anthony Nolan today so I can get that done tomorrow too. Please see what you can do to help the charity and the people they help, it's such a worthwhile cause.

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