Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

From bad to worse

So yesterday I broke my favourite lens.

At 1am this morning O had a temperature of 39.9 degrees. Turns out she has Scarlet fever and is now on a course of antibiotics. Hubby is also suffering from something similar.

Fortunately I had the day off today anyway as my students have exams. I had all sorts of plans on how to use my day productively, but alas nothing got done between doctors appointments and sheer tiredness. Although I did manage to do some research on a new 50mm lens only to discover that for some reason they won't post to Belgium and they're much more expensive here. Grrr

Scarlet fever is highly contagious and as it's impossible to keep O and D apart as they get on so well (at the moment anyway) we've had to impose a 'no kissing D' rule!

I fully expect to have another disturbed night with another ill child tomorrow.

At least I've got my health (she sobs).

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