Life at 88mph

By neet

Day 13: Yourself with 13 things

I cheated a little, I normally have 15 charms on my bracelet but I took 2 off for this blip (thanks to husband for the idea). It does look a little uneven but never mind, they're back on now. From left to right;

Book - I love to read, even if I don't really have the time to these days
Heart locket - Have never got round to putting photos in it, might make this a job for the weekend
Fountain Pen - I'm a bit of a penoholic (or should that be stylophile)
Camera - Well of course. It opens and there's a bird inside.
Microscope - Science teacher
One legged skeleton - He's supposed to have two legs but one fell off. Science again, but I just love stuff with skeletons on.
Spider - My PhD was about ticks. I couldn't get a tick charm so the closest was a spider as they're both Arachnida
A shoe - Love heels. I almost blipped 13 shoes.
A chilli - The spicier the better. Currently have a bottle of ghost pepper sauce in the fridge. So good it hurts.
Cake - Well of course!
Ankh - Nile cruise for honeymoon
Eiffel tower - Husband proposed in Paris
Flower - Garnet, daughter's birthstone

Got a headache tonight, so may take a break from comments tonight. Will be back tomorrow though!

Tomorrow: Eyes

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