'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Nature's magic!

Loved the effect of the frost on these dainty flowers, this morning. My school now think I have officially gone mad! Their head permantly attached to a camera, squeezing into all sorts of places at break time to get a Blip!

Three beautiful things

The frosty morning - so many beautiful ice patterns and a stunning sunrise - I look forward to the day when I can capture it and do it real justice!

Singing - along to the radio this morning as I was driving in to school this morning. The first time this year. The robin singing away in the holly whilst walking the children across to the hall, at lunchtime.

Seeing our Olympic Art Canvases one and two on display at the Primary Colours exhibition, alongside the other schools' canvases. Will Blip them altogether when the exhibition open next week.

One thing to be grateful for;
The weekend, need some time to sort out the destruction by Jem that I can home to!

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