Learning day by day

By EmmaF

500 not out

When I started this Blip lark, I didn't think I would make 100 without missing a day, let alone 500. But here I am, 500 blips and not a day missed, nearly missed, but not missed.

I have loved finding a Blip for the last 500 days, possibly more than my long suffering husband. It has improved my eye for a picture, even if my ability does not live up to my eye for capturing it. Blip has inspired me to improve my photography, it has inspired me to try and sometimes (more times than not) fail to emulate a shot that someone else has succeeded with, it has given me a new and supportive group of people to interact with. Most of all Blip has given me a permanent media in which to record my family, their growth, their achievement and the funny little things they say and do, which otherwise might have been forgotten as time goes by. Thank you Blip and thank you D77 for introducing me.

So to this Blip, my 500th. My two beautiful, funny and lovely children, laughing at their wonderful Daddy, who was helping me take the shot, along with the newest family member, a 1920's British made Elysian piano. So excited to have a piano in the house, I grew up with one and loved it. Can't wait to reaquaint myself with playing. Not the best shot photographically, but then that isn't all that blip is about, is it?

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