All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Nee Naw Car

Like most families this week, we've been slowly getting back to normal after the Christmas / New Year Festivities. So it was back to Mummy & Ethan day today!

It was the first swimming class of the new term. The last class was about 4 weeks ago and in Ethan's case it showed. He really wasn't happy in the class and was exceptionally clingy. Once we had finished though and went for a playsession in the toddler playpool with one of his "classmates" he was like a different boy! The 2 of them charged around together for ages, up and down the slide over and over, while us 2 mummies had a great wee natter!

Took him for a wee drive afterwards to ensure he fell aleep, which he did pretty quickly so I headed home and he slept for an hour.

A late lunch followed and then his pal Logan and my friend Lesley arrived for a playdate. The boys haven't seen each other for a wee while but had great fun playing together.

Granny & Grandpa arrived at dinner time and Ethan was exceptionally pleased to see them!

He loves playing in his Little Tikes "nee-naw car" which we got him for his Christmas. For some reason today though he decided it was much more fun to climb in and out the window rather than the door!

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