My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

Leaf me alone...

....was very much the sentiment in this house today. Its been a strange day today. I'm not one who believes in Friday the 13th being an omen of a bad day not since my daughter was born on a Friday 13th. However, something was definately affecting her mood today!

We had to stay in today to wait for a carpet fitter to come so that limited my chances of shots straight away. Since Freya was in a grump too again I found myself stumped. We were going to meet up with a friend for coffee after school and another friend had given me a good idea to try out so I set the camera aside for the rest of the day.

Doh though someone forgot to take the camera with her, AGAIN!!!

So upon arriving home after our coffee afternoon I was eager to find something for tonights project and when walking up the garden path I found this. Its funny what you come across when you're not even trying!

Nothing hugely exciting but I was quite pleased with the results. I'm hoping the kids will be in a better humour tomorrow as I am missing photographing them!

Thanks again to all those who stop by and read my little blips.


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