Cassie at Peartree

By nuthatch63

Tyne sunset

It might have been Friday 13th but I had a really lovely day.

Up early and did my accounts for the committee meeting tomorrow. Then Ukelele session - working up some cracking beatles stuff - then into Newcastle for walk down to the quayside just as the sun was setting - then up to the camera shop as my long lens has developed a fault - luckily still under warrenty - so no long shots for about 6 weeks!

I then went to the music shop and bought a new whistle (can't play it though - next project!) and finally met a really good friend for a meal and to see 'The Artist' - very enjoyable!

I came out of his house in East Newcastle at about 10 o'clock to almost run down a young cyclist riding down the centre of the main road with no lights, riding 'no hands' and busy texting! mad or what!

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