Snippets of Life

By betho

Waiting in the cold

This morning we went into uni early to find out about placements. Unless it changes (which it quite easily could) I'm in the royal gwent in newport on outpatients... The one thing I didn't want for my first placement! What makes it realy ironic is that yesterday another girl and I had a pretty long chat about why we really didn't want outpatients for our first placement. And guess what. We're both on the exact same placement in the same hospital and everything! Lucy is at the same hospital too so at least I'll have some company.
This evening I got a train and G got on at bristol and we came to Epsom. Had to change at Reading which was rather bizarre. I was coming down the escelator and expecting to see my Dad not to just go get on another train! This is us waiting in the absolute freezing to be picked up...
Then we watched sherlock. It was pretty good I thought.

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