It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


This is what is happening in our house a lot today.

Thank you so very much for all the get well wishes that you have been sending for mum. Today is the first day that she isn't rushing to the loo every half an hour since last Sunday. She has got Campylobacter and really isn't well but we are taking the advantage of the break in running to the loo to thank everyone as it has meant such a lot to us.

Daddy was away in London this week and the gorgeous Pug Girl who lives up the road from us has been taking me for my walks. Mum said she would have been so lost without her help with me this week, we are lucky to have such lovely neighbours. Thank you Jemma xxxxxxx

Daddy did come home early as mum was so bad but he has a bit of a nasty chest today and feeling rough himself. So we are all sleeping in the front room by the fire.

We also want to say a big huge Happy Birthday to Marma today. We feel sooooo bad because we haven't been able to get a card or pressie in the post to her, even though she says it doesn't matter. We love you lots Marma xxxx

Thank you again for all the lovely wishes. We may be a bit bad at keeping up with you all for a while, mum has lost half a stone already and feeling like an old lady, so it may take a while to be back to full blip speed. We send you all our love and hope everyone else is well.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps If anyone wants to know we think the source is a chicken sandwich eaten last week at a restaurant in Bicester :-(

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