On the run
Do you know when you've taken several blips and you can't decide which one to upload? I spotted the goldcrest in the elder tree today but he's a tricky one to catch as he darts up and down the branches searching out insects. I'm thinking that the nuthatch is a slowcoach at the side of him! Anyway, when I looked at my blips I had lots of empty branches, blurred goldcrest bums (can I say that on blip?!), an arty shot of the washing line and lots of sky, but I also had several where he is not in perfect focus but he's definitely a goldcrest almost stood still.
So which one to upload? Tony isn't here and anyway if I ask him he will say the opposite of what I really want him to say. If I followed yesterday's theme, I would go with the cute one. There are also two which go together, preparing to go and gone! Then there is the one for the twitchers which shows off his best features. Eventually I went with the most out of focus one because it demonstrates what he was doing all the time I was trying to blip him....running away! If you haven't had enough goldcrest by now, here is the complete set!
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