midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Friday 13th!!

Superstition is alive and thriving in Eire. No booked Caesarian sections today at the hospital! If only the C/S rate were that good every Friday, we'd be top of the league tables in no time!
Big improvements made on 'the work issue ' front. Hallelujah, hurrah and hurray. A good date twas for me.

The wiggly picture was taken on the way home in Dunmanway . It's very easy to miss this lake, particularly in the green months as the tree's hide it fairly well. But as I drove through the light looked lovely and was catching the reflections in the water, so after a quick u turn I hopped out for a misty, drizzly 5 minute blip session. I do seem to be doing much more illegal car manoevers since I've been blipping!

I have an evening date with Hubs, the sofa and a glass of Veno. Hopefully Lisa will call in later for a well needed catch up, I just hope I don't descend too quickly into the land of zzzzz's

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