October 4th Journal


The Sealpond

It was a challenge to take a picture of the Seal pond today. It was raining, then sleet and very gray weather so the wife and I drove out to Grótta, that is the lighthouse and the Island. It was high tide so you could walk out to the Island as the people in the jeep did. Later to day "the road" will be flooded over.
Far to the left is the Golf course - a view from there to here is here - as wild as it sounds. Then we see the Pond as it looks to day, but some hundred years ago there was a neck of land between the two spits so the seals could seek cover from the big waves of the ocean - the thin white line - you have to view this large.
This picture is a composite of eight photos and taken with my smaller camera, a SONY Cyber shot 3,2 mega pixels which is very good to have in your pocket.

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