A day in my life :)

By bonbon2011

Still pretty

My roses didn't open...they rarely do. I have no idea why and I don't believe what I've heard, that it's a reflection of your marriage. Anyway, so much for daily blipping. I've missed too many to back blip so maybe I'll just start over from today.

Yesterday I applied in person to 4 jobs. Most places require online apps, so I dressed my best and hit the road. One gave me an interview for today. A paint store. Funny, me, in a commercial paint store! I like interior design so I think it would be interesting to learn about paint. The store opens next month. 2 of the other 4 places said the 'ol " We'll call you if we're interested." I don't like that. However, I'm sure the amount of apps they receive is overwhelming and it would be exhausting to reply to them all, but still it would be nice to be recognized as a possible employee and not an application in a pile.

I'm taking 4 online classes this term. A psych. personality, sm. business, and 2 real estate classes. I'll be able to get my license by summer. I intend to have my own biz someday. Not sure what though. I'm tired if depending on an employer for a paycheck where they can limit growth and can fire or lay you off at any time. Or just not hire at all due to lack of work experience, or back injury which would be a liability for them. It'll be hard work, but worth it!

It's a gloomy day here in Oregon. Yesterday the sun shone brighty, guess it worked too hard to break through the clouds and needa a rest, haha!

Have a good day blippers :)

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