The Shore at night time

Ok, so if you want to know what my last 'what is this?' picture was, it was an LED torch. I took the picture from the head, where the lightbulb is. The lens of my camera is reflected on it, which makes it a bit confusing! So, Flashead and AsSheSeesIt were in the right track, and anybody mentioning a light bulb was very close!

If you have missed any of the answers, here are the links to all of them:

#1 - A nail clipper
#2 - A stapler
#3 - An upside down crab shell
#4 - A perfume bottle
#5 - A tin opener
#6 - A street lamp
#7 - An espresso grouphead
#8 - A cream/milk jug
#9 - An oven mitten
#10 - Stacked up pieces of dark chocolate
#11 - A fire extinguisher
#12 - An LED torch

Today I was off. I wanted to go to the gym but I decided not to in the end because I still have a bit of a cough. I spent most of my day cleaning the house and catching up with stuff and just left the flat by 5pm to get some fresh air and buy some food. As it was already dark, it had to be a night shot!

Having a few friends round in the flat this evening, so I have to get ready. I might not have enough time to catch up with all of you this evening, but I'll definitely do tomorrow. Thanks very much for all your fun guesses. You made me smile and that was good because I was feeling down yesterday. Feeling a bit better today! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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