Surf Ally!

A text from Micky John last night suggested we "put off today what we can do tomorrow" meant we ignored all the chores and hit Godrevy instead,

Despite the sunshine it was absolutely chuffing freezing a little cool thanks to the south easterly wind slight breeze. Red and Lily had huge tantrums in the car park before we even got to the beach and Ben learnt not to leave a board untethered on top of the car if there is a hint of a breeze...

Thankfully, once we were in the sea and out of earshot of Lily and Red all the nonsense and unhappiness was forgotten. Ben wiped out quite spectacularly a few times. Sam and I screamed like, well, girls, everytime we caught a wave. Ally managed to get to standing twice!!

After our rather exciting last wave (described by Mickey John) we returned to the cars - Clare had remembered the kettle this time so as we all sorted ourselves out, Clarey did the important bit and sorted out the drinks and cakes :-D

Then back to ours for steak (on the bbq), onion and mushroon baguettes.

Happy Days!

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