MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

The Oldest Inn In England!

So today I went on my mystery coach weekend away, and we wound up in Nottingham! Having been here before briefly in my 20's I (ofcourse) made straight for the oldest pub in England...Ye Olde Trip to Jeruselam! Once there I partook of a glass of Ye Olde Trip real ale, which was delicious. It's such a fabulously old inn dating back to 1189AD and has lots of nooks and crannies and some of the rooms are actually cut into the castle wall.

Between a bit of shopping I also popped in to The Bell Inn, a 14th century tavern in the main square and had a mulled wine with a spot of lunch, and I also called into a 13th century pub called Ye Olde Salutation Inn and partook of another glass of real ale before mounting the coach to travel to our hotel on the outskirts of Nottingham.

What a lovely day! Can't wait to see where we go tomorrow! (but please don't let it be Meadowhall in Sheffield!!)

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