
By Poppy

Domestic Science

A wet and miserable day so this afternoon I set about my cookery book shelf. I had a thing about cookery books but I think I am just about over it now! When my Granny died I inherited all her notebooks and cookery books too, so there is a good mixture, spanning 70+ years.

Among her books is a handwritten book belonging to her sister in law, who was a cook in a big farm house in Rothbury, Northumberland. It has in it weird and wonderful recipes like Bignet Souffle, Velvet Cream, Italian Batter, Yankee Custard Pie, Abbots Delight, Mock Marzipan and Galantine. The date in the front is 1931. She wouldn't have been a highly educated woman, but her writing is beautiful. She was widowed in the first world war, and went into service straight away. Her recipes call for a "firm oven" or a "fast oven" and some of the measurements are in breakfast cupfuls and gills. At the end of the recipe for meringues, she has written in brackets (Good Luck)!

Must away and get ready for the Scottish Dancing now - a big night tonight, 8 till midnight, with raffles and refreshments! We know how to live up here!

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