
By mattleach

10 Strangers Project

Wow! Had a fantastic day today, but absolutely shattered now!

First a dog walk into town so that we could get Mrs L's birthday cards for next week. Will picked a Valentines card and present as well, even though he doesn't currently have a girlfriend? Hmmm...

Then had to rush back to get to Birmingham for the 10 Strangers Project run by the Brumlovestogs community. This is the first time I've ever met them and was really nervous, worrying I'd be way out of my depth. I was expecting a tight knit clique of about 5 people with me being the only new person. I was so wrong! There must have been 30+ people involved and the first five I introduced myself to, it was their first time too! I had a brilliant time and learnt so much. I can't believe how comfortable I now am with approaching strangers, considering a week ago I just couldn't do it. I have learn't that you certainly cannot judge a book by a cover and that in general the majority of people are really nice!

After this I went to Creation skate park for a private party. I was looking forward to this and had bought a powerful flash just for it. Unfortunately I was so knackered that my enthusiasm had waned a little and I didn't get any great shots. They were OK but I'm not overly happy. I wish I'd paid £65 instead of the £50 I paid on the flash to get the TTL version. Maybe I'll be able to exchange it?
The boys had a brilliant time and it all went swimmingly apart from one of the Dads, trying a ramp and splitting his arm open causing the ugliest cut I've ever seen! He was fine about it and just went to the hospital for stitches afterwards!

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