Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

The Queen Of Denmark

..... celebrates 40 years as head of state today. The Danish Royal family is the oldest in Europe, tracing their roots right back to Harold Bluetooth (yes, the namesake of that thing in your phone) over 1000 years ago. The queen enjoys an 80-90% approval rating in Denmark and it's understandable - she's great. She has a sense of humour she is not frightened to show and an artistic streak that she loves to demonstrate by making costumes & scenery for the theatre and ballet or with her paintings. Until the world went security bonkers she even used to pop out of the palace to buy her own cigarettes from the local newsagent.

I didn't get off to a great start with the royal family when I moved to Denmark. While making sandwiches in a trendy cafe a guy asked me how he should order.
"You tell me what you want and then I tell you to piss off while I make it." I informed him.
"I'll have one of those there then" he said.
"Fine, piss off" said I.
"OK" he responded and wondered off.
My colleague then came over to me and pointed out that the guy was the future King. Oops.
On the plus side, he did come back several times after that where I was a touch more polite (although I think he was a tad disappointed at the lack of abuse).

There are 4 other photos on my website.

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