Sun bed Sun day

A bit of a routine beginning to emerge. Sunday's (or at least part of them) are usually spent with the man catching up with a bit of work and me getting a chance to play with the camera. Today I 'learned' about using the different modes available in priority and manual modes. So of course I wasn't in the market for adventurous subjects and after playing tug of war with the dog for a bit, he and the cats lay down in the sun (yes really, SUN!). Hence the pic you've got today. Task will be to use these ideas throughout the week to try and consolidate the information. Ha!

Am irritated by the arrogance of the man on the tele this morning who announced to the world that human suffering is god's punishment for sin. While I know that is no longer a mainstream religious view, it still irks me. I cannot respect anyone who sets themselves apart by playing the 'better / holier than thou' card.

Anyway, work done, blip posted and now off for a swim.

Enjoy the rest of Sunday!

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