Flat Screen TV
Interesting the way they have positioned flat screen TVs on every second pillar in the Basilica de Nossa Senhora de Nazare in Belem which is the only basilica in the Amazon, and the epicentre of the greatest religious festival in the world, the Cirio do Nazare (cirio meaning large candle).
Every second Sunday of October up to 6 million faithful gather here to take part in the procession of the tiny and revered statue of Nossa Senhora of Nazare (Nazareth), from the Cathedral of Belem to the Basilica.
A rope 3-400 metres long 'pulls' the large gilded case in which Nossa Senhora is transported, and the faithful jostle to touch the rope during the procession.
The present basilica was completed in 1909 along neoclassical and eclectic lines and is known for its stained glass windows, hence today's blip.
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