Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

The Trailblazers

So today me and G got the opportunity to go and have a photo session with some erm, not sure the technical term, push bike people, maybe. They have a purpose built dirt track in the woods with jumps and stuff. Im not really up on my bike terms if im honest.

However it gave us plenty of blip opportunities. I took about 200 photos, all in RAW. I've managed to get them on PSE, delete the trash, pick out the best, edit a few and now get one on here. This isn't my favourite shot. It's not the best one either. What i do like about it though is the fact that G is in it.

I really did want to put on a superb side shot of one of the bikers getting some serious air. However my bro beat me to it. So with that in mind i rifled through what i had left, when this one popped out.

What i like is, for this moment we acted like we actully knew what we were doing. We discussed who would go where and shoot at what angle, to avoid getting each other in, actually not so much of a fail, i just deviated from the plan slightly to get this shot, with the thought in mind of editing it. As it happens it turned out pretty good with him in shot.

Good brother song

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