The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

"Save it for best!"

My granny has been buying this wine from a wholesaler for years. I can't remember how she first came across it, could have been of those telesales calls you get.... Anyway. If it was I'm sure she's glad she chose to answer! The stuff is lush, and my gran generously parted with a bottle or two when she came round for post-Christmas dinner a few weeks ago. The other night my mum decided to crack this bottle open, and it didn't disappoint. Luckily we're not the sort of people who preserve good things until a 'special occasion', after all... There's no time like the present :)

Let me see.... Today, as with the past few days, has been disappointingly unproductive. All my fault naturally, so I'm not looking for pity. Need to stop being so lazy is all! Was meant to have a riding lesson at 1pm today, however I woke up to an outside temperature of -4 degrees and decided the school would most definitely be frozen solid. Messaged my instructor to reschedule and all was good. So I went back to bed. Later on I went up to the stables to find that the school was not frozen solid as I'd assumed, and that I had rescheduled for nothing. Saying that, it wasn't completely unfrozen and I don't trust Risky's spindly Thoroughbred legs on hard, uneven ground, so not ultra bothered to be honest. Plus I got to go for a nice hack with my old bird instead.

I like hacking on Sundays... Reminds me of when I was little and used to pray to see horse riders in the woods at the weekend. I always hoped they'd stop so I could pat their horses, but they rarely did. I guess this means I find it easy to notice when someone really wants me to stop when I'm out riding Risky. Spent a good 5 minutes blocking the path today while a family and their three little girls stopped to speak to Risky... Couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when Risky drooled all day the dad's arm, but hey! The girls got a kick out of it so he shouldn't mind too much :P

That's about it for today. Oh, and I finally managed to put mudguards on my bike... After at least an hour of battling with the bloody thing :| I reckon the bloke on the scaffolding next door got a kick out of watching me struggle though, I've discovered it's near-on impossible to replace a wheel single-handed!

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