
By Poppy

Windswept Barley

After a late night at the dancing last night, when a great time was had by all, lots of tourists and visiters included, I had a nice lie in, followed by a lovely restorative bath. Feeling renewed and reinvigorated, I drove into town, fought my way round the supermarket and got the week's messages. 25 miles and two hours later I came home and put it all away. Soon I'm going to have to think about cooking it . . . . Good job I had a leisurely start to the day!

Ollie and I went for a good long walk this afternoon, in the wind. The car temperature readout this morning said 12 deg C, but in the norther easterly wind it was a damn sight chillier than that! Poor dog will be wishing I hadn't clipped all his fur off! For July it is a bit much to have to be wearing fleeces, waterproofs and a hat! I took lots of photos, trying to catch the movement in the barley. Think this is the best of them. Most of them were quite shakey due to the fact I was being buffeted about at the time!

Looking forward to the summer . . . . . !

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