Welcome to My Crazy Life

By theedork

Christmas Eve!

It's Christmas Eve! I love Christmas Eve. Even more than Christmas sometimes I think. I love the sense of anticipation that comes with all the presents still being wrapped and waiting for Santa to come. I just love it.

Today I did not have to work for once so I got to help get the house ready for our shindig tonight. I wrapped approximately 30 presents this morning alone, which I think was a pretty good accomplishment. Then we all got ready for church and headed over. It was nice, especially because we got to sing Christmas music which I love love love. Then back to our house to see the crazy Geritys.

This picture was taken by one of the Ryan girls after we had thrown our reindeer food out on the lawn so Santa's reindeer could find our house. Brian was so super pumped, it was adorable. This was the first year he managed to spread his food out instead of dumping it all in a pile at his feet. He's growing up!

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