Wish for Bliss

By MeghanColleen

Lazy Dazy

Today momma and sisters headed home around 2. Once they left I did a ton of laundry and cleaned the apartment, not that they made a mess, it was just time for a dusting and vacuuming.

Then I pretty much hung in bed for the rest of the day, my heat is on 90 and yet the temperature on my clock tells me my room is 67 degrees...not great. It is so cold outside the heat is chugging along without working so great. I can seriously count on one hand the number of times I have slept with the heat on since I've lived here...tonight we are going to add one more, its so cold!

Big decisions made today, moving out of my apartment by feb 1 - gotta get crackin on packin! I feel good now that things are set...I like change but I'm not a fan of that wacky flux time in between changes.

Expect a bunch more pictures of me laying in my bed as it is my very favorite activity when in my apartment!

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