Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Tummy Time

So, Rebecca's been a bit of a nightmare for the past few days. I'm hoping it's just a gorwth or developmental spurt, because I'm really tired. And of course, being less selfish, it can't be much fun for her either.

I am worrying that it could be teething (at 2 months!). She's chewing on her hand loads, even when she's not hungry, and she's drooling loads too.

Luckily she's still having lots of happy time, like in the picture. She also stayed awake for a walk around town with me, which meant that she got lots of people noticing her and chatting to her.

We skipped Mini Movers and Shakers, which I had hoped to start today. I'm just too tired to be sociable. And we ended up having a 10 minute nap at around that time anyway.

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