Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Day 16 Long exposure

I tried and I fail on this one!
I even googled to find out how to do it with my point and press camera as they call it!

The results were awful, I have also notice I've managed to get the days all confused and have been a day ahead of myself in the numbering!

My only defence I'm blonde!!!

Well as my attempts were EPIC fails I was un sure what to do, didn't want to miss a day but then remember a picture I took on a vodka filled night out several moons ago!

Was it saved to my computer nope! could I find the CD it's saved to nope (no doubt somewhere safe so it doesn't get lost).

Then I turned to my good friend facebook and there it was, It's a poor attempt but the best I'm going to get until I can invest in a new camera. BTW this isn't me in the pick it's my friend fliss.

HLT do not tell her I have put a pick of her on here she'll never forgive me! lol

Today was a good and bad day, there is an assignment in the office close to my house, different job (good experience) grade 5 (am a grade 4 at the mo) just have to speak to my team leader tomorrow to see if I can apply for it.
We have to get permission to go on assignments but hopefully it won't be a problem as one of our team is already on assignment.

It was a bad day as Peacocks are going into administration, and my friends boyf works for them, fingers crossed it will be ok. Luckily they type of role he has with them can be easily transferred to other operators. But lets hope it doesn't come to that.

Tomorrow - Technology this should be easier than today

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