Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Commuting blip

The drive to work was painful this morning, mainly because for some reason, I got held up in a place I normally sail through which had a knock on effect when I got to the outskirts of Birmingham - left home at 7.15am but didn't get to work until just before 9am. Did I mention it is only 26 miles? And that I got held up at EVERY single red light, including all the pedestrian crossings?

Anyway, I got there in the end, and the bonus was being able to take a quick photo out of the car window just before I left the lovely countryside part of the journey. It was a shame I didn't get held up at the previous field, because the view was the same as this blip but with some added sheep including some little lambs, so cute!

I'm pleased to have got a photo of the beautiful sky at last, I regularly see some really stunning colours on my way to work but never have time to stop for a photo.

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