365 - Meow.

By Kellykins


I'm getting anyone possible to be a cat for me! For example, this is one of my older brothers friends Jason!

Its still holidays over here, 3 more weeks! But to be honest, this has definitely been a rubbish summer weather wise! 4 out of 7 days at least have been overcast, windy or raining at some stage through out the day! Where is summer?!? Oh well, I just hope this means winter will be warmer! (I can dream!)

Got a hair cut today! It kind of made me think deeply about haircuts. (weird i know!) I would hate to be a guy and have to get a hair cut, well a guy who likes to keep his hair kind of long. It would be so difficult to choose how you wanted your hair to get cut and they could easily do it wrong. Whereas for girls (or me at least) I just get my hair trimmed, nice and simple! I might show you my hair cut later on in the week in a blip!

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