Bathtime Bubba

2years 88days

We had a lovely day together. We were very leisurely about our morning. I asked her if she wanted to go to tea and toast, but she said no she wanted to play at home. So we stayed athome, did colouring, dolls, a bit of cbeebies website (there's a teletubbies game she loves) and general "just being".

We needed to stop at the bank (paying this terms nursery fees, urgh not a pleasant moment) and she was delighted when Jo was stood almost at the door, then stayed chatting to us. Turns out, when you can only see someone through a bank screen, you dont see a 25week old babybump appear. And we ended up chattering about her happy news for half an hour, with Katie running up and down a ramp, playing with Jo and having lots of fun (its a very small bank, and very quiet).

I'd decided I would take her out for lunch, so we then went to pizza hut for the buffet. She ate lots of tomato pasta and salad, then started on the chocolate buttons from the ice cream factory. She'd been askig for a pink balloon from the moment we sat down and was pleased the lady obliged.

After lunch, she had her first visit to university with me. She was really excited to "go Mummy's school". She charmed everyone we crossed. I had to go see one of my lecturers, and she sat on his office floor, chattering to him. Which meant the conversation was switching between the law and ethics of corporate manslaughter cases (possible dissertation topic for me) and the characters of tweenies and the Wiggles. And she said to him "I'm at my Mummy's school" at least 4 times. I knew he is a grandad to one her age , and a friendly sort, so wasnt too surprised he was loving having her there.

We popped to the library after uni, and she went through an endangered species book with Helen that she looked at last time. She's learnt quite a few new animals from it, including whales, chimpanzees, parrot, vulture.

Today's blip, I'm really pleased with. Its not totally technically brilliant, but my bathroom has no natural light and no artificial light at the moment as the bulb blew this morning. Meaning it is just light coming in from the hall, which is minimal. So the light is purely from my flash. And first efforts were not fabulous, but bounced sideways of the white tiled wall, plus over exposed a little and I was pretty pleased with the end result. Very little done postproduction today.

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