Life is good!

By CKQ2010

Bonne aprés-midi ....

... she's home from school, too absorbed in her most recent Kindle acquisition to bother even looking at my camera, or at me for that matter. She did finally manage a small smile, but this concentrated look was much more appealing to me for today's blip. She reads constantly, so this is the view of her I see most often.

I did finally demand she put the book down ('Can I please finish this chapter?'), and attend to the homework, but the camera got in the way of that task and it was another hour before the math book was found!

I may have to find another focus soon, she seems to be tiring of being my blip op for the day, and has found a method of retribution (her own camera), so I must pretend this is some kind of democracy and search for other blip subjects, at least now and then.


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