Frost over Berwick

It was milder than the last few days have been when I left the house just after 7 am, even though it was still dark. The train carriage was cold though; I think the heating was on the blink. And when I got out of the train at Newcastle it was several degrees colder than Edinburgh - lots of ice, salt on the pavements, etc. In Gateshead the frost was still so thick it looked like snow. Taking my gloves off to take a photo was out of the question.

Luckily I'd snapped a few from the train window. I knew I'd blipped the bridge over the Tweed before, but was surprised to find that the last time was almost a year ago. The train has to go quite slowly along the viaduct which is very helpful for blipping and it's a prospect that always pleases me.

(On the way back I think I had a seat in the self-same freezing carriage on the same train making its return trip from London. I kept my coat and gloves on and even had to put on my woolly hat! In the train! Aaargh!)

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