Snippets of Life

By betho


Woke up at 6 to leave at 6.45 to get a train at 7.15. Probably the earliest i have ever seen G in this country... that sort of time doesn't isn't even vaguely a concept in his mind!
We got to the station to find a neat row of middle aged, graying and balding men in smart wool coats and shiny shoes, lined up along the yellow 'do not cross' line, every one of them looking down at his paper or book. I think someone has been sneakily cloning people.... I wanted to take a photo but didn't have the guts at that time in the morning. Though they probably wouldn't have noticed me anyway.
Sat on the train they were all the same, goggling at their papers and totally ignoring the blazing glory of dawn outside the window. We made megabus at 8.30 having even had the time to go to subway and then dozed our way down the M4.
Once home i got working with a brief break when i was summoned by Sarah to Rach's house where i found out (as i had guessed, what else could Sarah be absolutely bursting about) that Dave and Rach are engaged!! How lovely! We are getting old....

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