
By astudyinscarlet

Another one bites the dust

aren't these up there with the coolest boots on the planet? knee-high, black leather (and real leather at that), proper lace-up (none of your fake lace-up with a sneaky zip, oh no, you need to dedicate a good five minutes to getting them on). *and* they were half price in a sale!

the bad? i've had them the best part of a decade and worn them maybe a half-dozen times. they aren't the most comfy (tho might improve if i wore them more) and more importantly when i put them on i remember that they make my feet look two sizes bigger, like i'm wearing black leather lace-up clown boots. so, like many other things in the past year they are firmly going out, rather than back into the back of the wardrobe to moulder. years of wear in them yet, someone else should have the benefit of them (at an even more bargainous price, too).

sad to see them go - you have no idea how long it took me to find them, real lace-ups are rare creatures! (tho i have since found another pair, which i think of as my victorian kitchen maid boots.) then again, while ferreting in the back of the wardrobe i found another pair of knee-high black leather boots (zips, round-toed, small heel this time) which i used to wear years ago in my first job (my first pair of the breed, not the last by far). i haven't had them on because, to my shame, my calves got far too flabby and they wouldn't zip up. tonight they are tight but done up all the way to the top - and hopefully at some point this year they will even get to being slightly loose (there's a ways to go on the flab-cutting / becoming a runner front).

and with that i give the working week a well-deserved boot up its rear and kick back to enjoy my 'weekend' (weds & thurs off, back to work fri thru tues) :-)

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