
Inertia~is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion.

"An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."
(Newton's law of motion)

Objects tend to "keep on doing what they're doing." In fact, it is the natural tendency of objects to resist changes and I am of the opinion that Newton was just being polite when he said 'objects' instead of just coming out with it and saying 'people'.

*It's raining*

Humans resist changing. Is anyone available to hold my hand while I try to take nice deep breaths and sip tea? I am of the opinion that humans over the age of 90 have developed the skill to resist change on a highly advanced level. In fact, these same humans insist on change until you try to introduce it, at which time, no change that you implement (including the changes that they themselves suggest) are acceptable. This should not be shocking, nor should it be something that anyone expects to change...especially me. Once in awhile, however, I lose my mind and think I was wrong about that which I have observed and the limitations that inertia imposes. Perhaps this time things will be different. *ahem* Perhaps in 39 more years when I am 92 I will have perfected this art as well. I have no children. Upon whom may I inflict my inertia?

It's not fair.

We're not at the fair.

But if I were at the fair, I'd go on a ride and I'd scream "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" and I wouldn't care about anything and I'd eat a corn dog (hand dipped, of course) and I'd pet baby animals in the petting zoo and I'd laugh at children eating ice cream when they get it all over their little faces. I'd go on more rides and just scream, then I'd eat ice cream.

Going to Annie's Cottage for awhile today was the best I could do. The objects there are not in motion, but they're not complaining about it either. I'm just sayin'. The other best I could do was meet my parents and sister for a little round (square) table time of laughter and joy. That was like being at the fair except there were no rides and we ate cake and coffee instead of ice cream and corn dogs, but I don't care. See grammapat's journal to see a wee bit of the fun.

OK, I have to stop now because I'm on the verge of saying something random and stupid just because I can and nobody is here to stop me.
Bye now~

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