Vegetable Animals
This is exactly what I expected to see at the Lambeth Country Show. Actually I lie - I expected sheep, cows, cider, sweets, all of which I did see. The vegetable animals were an added bonus. The sheep (i.e. red pepper-bodied animal) won the first prize. I spent my afternoon sitting on the grass, drinking cider with friends, istening to music booming from the distant stage and watching a 5 year old successfully rugby-tackle a 12 year old again and again before the 12 year old tipped the 5 year old upside-down. All good fun!
In the evening, F and I took a bus, a train, a tube, and a train to see a friend's band in east London. Crossing from south to east London can be quite an adventure! The band, The Trembling Bells, were really great - the singer has an amazing voice. I hope they do really well! It was great to catch up with S before he had to go on stage and we hope to see him in his home-town of Glasgow soon.
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