The second half of life..

By twigs

Life's a beach!

Firstly, thank you for all the kind comments on yesterday's blip :) I'm flattered. It's a strange feeling to post something that feels so isolated and local to me but people on the other side of the world recognise. It seems a number of blippers share my love of that beach!

Sadly, today was the day to leave Pakawau :( Just 3 nights away from home but I feel so refreshed and peaceful. This place really is very special.

On the drive back I decided that I would take a drive around to Pohara and Ligar Bay to see the effects of the recent flood damage for myself. I wasn't originally going to but, for whatever reason, decided it would be ok.

Despite this view of Ligar Bay looking very serene, summery and safe the view behind me was very different . . . . . . soooo much debris - silt, sand, branches, bushes and other assorted bits - lining the roadside or banked up in ditches, whole paddocks looking for all the world like a moonscape. On one hill alone I counted 29 obvious scars from slips. But life goes on - people were still on the beach throwing a ball around for the dog, or simply strolling, or out in the bay in a kayak, all enjoying a beautiful summer's day. It will take a long time to fully recover from the damage but in the meantime, it's great to see people just getting on with whatever they need to get on with. I guess we only ever get to know our true strength when we're tested to our limits.

Catch you all tomorrow :)

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