
No idea what this is doing fastened to the wall but I like it.

The first high school dance went well last night for Ruby and it sounds like she had a great time. Some of the boys went with cardboard boxes on their heads - it turns out it was more to do with the mimicking of popular American electro-hop pop duo LMFAO although I suspected it was an extravagant attempt at acne camouflage.

Eve had a great time at football training too and even the news that they were going to have to entertain the crowd at half time at a Hearts game didn't deflate her enthusiasm.

Me, on the other hand - in between drop offs and pick ups I attempted to go for a swim only to be told it was "Ladies Night". What's all that about? I wouldn't mind but you could still sit in the cafe and look into the pool. If I'd had more time I would have sat there with a coffee, leering into the pool pretending to take photos. If don't know if there's a "Man Night"now as well but even if there is I'm not interested, thank you.

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