Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Dressing up day!

Tomorrow Evie has dressing up day at school. I think the choices were Victorian policemen or nurses, inventors or detectives.... Evie will be going as Enola Holmes, Sherlock's little sister (Thanks to the American author Nancy Springer!!) obv she wasn't in the original!!!

This is the cape I made her this morning to go over her tweed dress and to go with her tweed Sherlock Holmes style hat!! She wont like it, it's not pink. She'll say that she's looks stupid..... Meh, it's a possibility when my crappy stitching comes undone, BUT she will wear it and she'll look cute before it all falls apart!!!

No doubt I'll blip her in the full outfit tomorrow, something to look out for ;) I also made her a magnifying glass out of card, tinfoil, glue and sticky back plastic.... How did I not bag a job on Blue Peter?? Anyway it wasn't good enough to be blipped as it's truly shocking!!!

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